Since CLOUD7’s inception, animal welfare has been a core value. It’s been Petra’s dream to contribute to this cause through the brand. Together with our partners, we regularly feature important organisations in our RESC7UE newsletter, and today, Petra would like to highlight Pro Animale, an organisation we have supported since 2016. Have a read of her personal impressions and experiences at Pro Animale, the out of the ordinary animal sanctuary.
“Today, I’m excited to introduce Pro Animale, an organization we’ve supported through dog sponsorships since 2016. I first learned about them because one of their stations is located only a few kilometers of my home, where I had the pleasure of meeting the station leader and vet, Hasan Tatari.
When I first met Hasan in 2016, he shared the extensive and sustainable work of Pro Animale as well as their dedication to animal welfare across Europe – I was in instant awe. They operate 26 stations in countries like Germany, Poland, Italy,even at times in warzones rescuing all kinds of animals without hesitation of their type, from dogs and cats to more unusual ones like raccoons, llamas, camels, pigs, and goats.
Over the years, I’ve met many dog owners who adopted their pets from Pro Animale, including a delightful Dachshund mix named Lucky, who stops by my yard to play with my dogs.
Recently, I visited Hasan again to give you an impression of the incredible work they do in hopes to raise awareness and inspire others to support Pro Animal. I would be delighted to see support from our community through donations, adoptions or sponsorships.”
Hasan Tatari, the head and resident vet at Pro Animale, stands in front of the shelter's memorial wall, where each dog that has lived or been rehomed through Pro Animale is honoured with a personal photo and a brief story about their character.

An old, lovingly restored 3-sided farm in the idyllic Markgrafpieske in Brandenburg is currently home to 240 animals. The dogs live there in several separate 'living communities' furnished with old farmhouse furniture. The doors are opened several times a day and the dogs meet to run around together in the beautiful courtyard.

The infirmary is home to dogs that have come to the shelter injured or from poor conditions and receive medical treatment from Hasan before they can be released into the company of the other shelter residents.
How did Pro-Animale come about?
Pro-Animale was originally founded in 1985 by Johanna Wothke, a primary school teacher. She taught at a school in a small village in Upper Franconia. Both her personal belief and that of Pro-Animale from the outset was the conviction that poor conditions in animal welfare could be improved through personal commitment.
What convinced you to work for Pro-Animale?
Unlike a conventional veterinary practice, my job here isn't just to treat a sick or injured animal in the short term. Spending a long time with the animals, I'm able to form a bond with them and help them regain trust in life.
You're a vet and station manager. What are the biggest challenges for your station?
Firstly, it’s unfortunately the limited number of places we can offer to suffering animals, coupled with the financial pressure to be able to pay all the necessary helpers and staff adequately. In addition, there are the costs of maintaining the facility.
How much capacity do you have here at your ‘Rendez-vous’ station in Spreenhagen?
We currently house 240 animals, including 70 dogs, 50 cats, as well as some sheep, goats, donkeys, horses, cattle and a blind llama.
How do the dogs that needs to be rehomed come to you?
It varies a lot. Sometimes from elderly people who can no longer care for their animal, sometimes also dogs from neglectful situations. Currently, we have a lot of dogs from Ukraine, especially from the flooded region of the destroyed dam, over 300 dogs in total, which we have then distributed to the various Pro Animale stations.
How do you go about rehoming dogs?
Intensive personal contact with people interested in adoption is important. We know our dogs very well and can quickly assess whether a human and a dog are a good match. Before every adoption, there is an open exchange to ensure that both the people and the dogs will be happy together.
How long does a rehoming process take on average?
That varies from dog to dog. Especially with traumatized dogs, it can take a while to build up mutual trust. Many joint walks before an adoption can be very helpful. However, since our dogs live with us in groups with several other dogs, they often help each other process their fears.
You have had many special missions in recent years, such as the flood disaster, the Ukraine war. How do you manage to handle such missions in addition to the stations?
That was and is always a special challenge and difficult to describe in a few words. The commitment and solidarity of all employees is essential to master difficult situations and make seemingly impossible things possible.
How many stations belong to Pro-Animale?
There are now 36 stations in seven European countries, all of which communicate and work very closely together.
How is the organisation financed?
We are very grateful for many regular supporters who provide us with financial donations or take out sponsorships for individual animals. There are also always animal-loving people who honour us in their wills. However, the problem for the station is that the ongoing costs for the station are always constant, while support through donations is fluctuating. This always creates bottlenecks that must be overcome.
What are current issues?
It is unfortunately always the rescue of animals from war zones, where people are no longer able to care for their beloved animals due to their own distress.

As head vet, Hasan Tatari currently cares for 240 animals at Pro Animale. Among them are always animals in need, like Aragon, who arrived with a broken leg but is already on the mend.

Blind llama Yam Yam is enjoying his retirement at Pro Animale on the 8-hectare outdoor area.

A donkey family of four has found a peaceful new home at the sanctuary.

Best friends for life. Hasan and his favourite cow, ALMA. She's one of 17 cows rescued from the dairy industry.

The cat house. A 120 square meter community for endless adventures.

For those who need a change of scenery, there's a large, fenced playground with plenty of homemade climbing frames.

People and animals as friends. The many murals in the buildings reflect the values of our 14 staff and volunteers.
Pro Animale is solely funded by donations from animal lovers. There are several ways to help, including sponsoring an animal, adopting a dog or cat, or making a financial donation. Find out more on how you can support Pro Animale in the link below.